How to Find Purpose and Feel Powerful, Even During Tough Times

Many people, myself included, are feeling what I call Covid Fatigue. Probably, not an official term, but it’s likened to that feeling in the morning that induces you to stay in bed. I hear and see what’s being reported in the news and it is distressing. Why are people acting in the most nonsensical ways? My opinion is that they are experiencing Covid Fatigue. They may have a sense of purposelessness, added by days that are filled with paranoia, uncertainty, and emotional exhaustion. I’m reading a lot in the news about people having heightened feelings of anxiety, depression, and overwhelming stress, and yes, they are feeling angry too. Little wonder when people are experiencing job loss, food insecurity, wondering how they will educate their children safely, the wearing of face masks, the endless hand washing, hand sanitizing, and social distancing! This creates so much distrust and feelings of being out of control. There is an increase of people turning to drugs and alcohol to help mitigate their emotions and cope with the pain. Of course we all know this is an unhealthy option. So how can we get back on track?

Last week during the Reno Gal Says segment for What’s the Story Plus Book Hound, I shared a long list of personal changes I’ve noticed in myself since all this began in March 2020. Due to the unfortunate realities of lock down and quarantine and all the rest of it I created change to better cope. I’d like to continue that theme. I found a great YouTube video from a style influencer I follow. What she said is exactly how I felt and was trying to convey, but perhaps a little more focused than what I could do! I’d like to highlight her take on finding motivation and inspiration during tough times.

  • Practice self care. Self care is what every human has the right to do. It means taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health. Self care energizes us, and fills us with the proper motivation to get to all the other things in our life that need to get done.
  • Journaling–write down feelings, make lists, or your plans for self care. Make appointments for fun things to do.
  • Listen to your breathing. This is a form of meditation and it has a calming effect. It’s a quieting of your mind, and learning your own patterns, personal rhythms and routine.
  • Get in touch with nature. Even if you can’t leave your home you can do this! I have a simple hummingbird feeder outside my kitchen window. A little hummingbird comes by every day to feed from it. I can hear its wings so fast they hum. This little creature puts a smile on my face. I’ve studied it as it sits still on a tree branch. I can see its colorful feathers as it sits preening, or cleaning off its sword-like beak. I’m filled with an inner peace. When you are in touch with nature what do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? It’s absolutely amazing.
  • Find a new hobby. This could be anything! Writing, painting, photography, learning a new language. It’s completely up to you and what is gratifying to you.
  • One I hadn’t thought of before the video was collect firsts. Is there a museum you have never been to (many offer virtual tours these days) Is there a certain recipe you’ve always wanted to try? Perhaps it’s simply a different route on your daily walk. Recently I went on a big hike up in the mountains near my home. I hadn’t been there in over twenty years! So that kind of counts as a first I think. Whatever it is do something that will get you out of your regular routine.
  • Rest! So important. It’s okay to be a little lazy. This is how the body heals itself and regenerates healthy cells and thinking patterns.

I hope these highlights helped motivate and inspire you the way they helped me.

What Self Care is and What it Isn’t 

5 Ways to Find Motivation and Feel Inspired (even in tough times) Justine LeConte

How You View Successes (and Failures) Says A Lot About You


Tune in to What’s the Story:

What’s the Story watch live or later on the Facebook Page, or YouTube search LeRue Press

Call us! 844-790-8255 or 844-WT-Story (844-987-8679) Text to 775-237-2266

Tuesday at 4 P.M. PST or 7 P.M. EST on KCKQ 1180 or at

April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler available on Amazon in print and ebook and Barnes and Noble in print format, and anywhere books are sold.

How You View Your Successes (and Failures) Says A Lot About You

How do you view your successes and failures? Are you someone who thinks they successful (or a failure) based on outside factors and extenuating circumstances? Or, are you the type of person who views your successes (or failures) on internal factors. These could be our drive, our motivation, our habits, and our standards. This second personality type is a person who is more in control of their life. They have a feeling of purpose and accomplishment.

Of course, we don’t have control over every situation, and we have to accept it for what it is. But, feeling more in control and working at what we can is the goal. So, make two lists. On List One write down all the things you can control. On List 2 write down what you can’t control. Work at List 1, and leave List 2 alone, leave it to whatever higher power you believe in.

Since COVID-19, and all the rest of it (politics, social unrest, economic strife, joblessness, food chain supply issues) I’ve been searching for peace and joy in my life. A difficult task! But, despite all the setbacks this year and the unpleasant realities I’m faced with daily I’ve managed to make some big improvements in my life.

Here’s a list of some of my personal goals:

  • Healthier
  • Calmer
  • Focused
  • A better cook
  • A better grocery shopper
  • More prepared for disaster
  • A better saver of income
  • Cultivated friendships
  • I’m a better friend
  • More fit
  • More patient
  • More cautious
  • More organized
  • More spiritual
  • Set priorities
  • Outward Thinker vs Inward Thinker
  • Giving generously of time, energy, hospitality (although quite limited due to social distancing)
  • Concerned with what I can control; not giving energy to things I cannot control.
  • Limiting media

What have you changed in your outlook on life? Did you make big changes in your personality, your personal views, and attitudes? I’d love to hear about it and how you achieved it.

Despite this rough time we can achieve a sense of well being and a measure of happiness. We will be more in control of our life and able to make decisions based on wisdom from a place of inner peace.




How to Find Purpose and Feel Powerful, Even During Tough Times

Tune in to What’s the Story:

What’s the Story watch live or later on the Facebook Page, or YouTube search LeRue Press

Call us! 844-790-8255 or 844-WT-Story (844-987-8679) Text to 775-237-2266

Tuesday at 4 P.M. PST or 7 P.M. EST on KCKQ 1180 or at

April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler available on Amazon in print and ebook and Barnes and Noble in print format, and anywhere books are sold.

4 Helpful Tips That Keep You on Track for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

I Eat These Fruits and Veg Every Day to Maintain my Healthy Lifestyle


I’ve been maintaining a healthy weight for three years, and often, I get asked How do you keep off the weight? I’m here to let you in on my strategy. You won’t need to buckle your seat belt, or tighten your shoelaces, or hold on to your hat, because what I have to say isn’t an earth shattering revelation.

And I must be open about this, I am no expert, I’m not a nutritionist or fitness training professional. This is strictly based on my own experience. This is what has worked for me.

Here are my 4 simple steps to maintaining a healthy weight and/or lifestyle:

  1. What do you Eat? I eat a lot of things. I don’t hold to any special diet or food combinations, or time restraints. I eat whatever, whenever, however. But, moderation and portion control are key. I will not joke about that. You cannot eat everything you want to eat all at one sitting! Balance, always balance. Is there something special you like to eat that might not be on the dean’s list of healthy food items? Great, balance it with a healthy food item. I like to practice mindful eating. Keep aware and limit yourself. Sure, this takes practice and discipline, but it can be done. Here are some examples of what I eat in a week: 1 apple, 1 Cutie, 1/4 of a cucumber, sliced in wedges, 3 baby peppers, sliced, 1/2-1 cup of baby carrots (this is every day) Greek Yogurt with granola (a couple tablespoons) topped with honey, eggs, string cheese, peanut butter, sliced deli turkey, gluten-free bread (one small slice, but sometimes two!) protein dairy shake (like Premier Protein) nuts (peanut and almonds) tuna, salad greens, lean meats such as chicken, fish, pork, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin, any and all vegetables, quinoa, Jasmine rice, potatoes. All right, so this list could go on forever, but that is a basic run down of what I like to eat. I will stress that I eat an apple, cutie, cucumber, carrots, peppers (see photograph above) every single day. This helps remind me to get in my vegetable requirement for the day. Next!
  2. What Kind of Exercise Do you Like? I don’t like to sit a lot, I get stiff, I start walking around like I’m about 90 years old, and it sort of resembles how a crab crawls. I don’t like to do it! So moving around is really important. I do cardio, I won’t lie. Maintaining a cute figure can be tough, but it’s worth it! I like walking, I run/jog. Sometimes I do intervals where I jog slowly (you won’t believe how slow!) then fast, or walk a minute and run five minutes. Sometimes it’s just a quick run of 2-3 miles. I cannot leave out strength training exercises. So I mix it up, two days of focusing on the upper body and two days of focusing on the lower body. I’ve taken a lot of time with this, studying various techniques and forms and fitting them into my schedule. and then applying the suggested exercise into what I can easily accomplish. I’ve compiled a list of great exercises and routines, but all of it came about over time. My advice is to take your time, know what you can do and how long you can implement it into your lifestyle. Everyone is different, so make your routine work for you, and make it fun! Fun is key! Otherwise, you probably won’t enjoy it and you won’t stick to it. At the bottom of this page I’ll list some YouTube channels I personally subscribe to. But, there are loads of channels out there and something may be better for you than what I do. 
  3. Hydrate, always hydrate. I drink water, but I actually like water. Some people don’t. So I can understand why hydration is a challenge. I have to actively remind myself to drink water. For some reason it just isn’t easy. It might surprise you to learn that you are probably not even drinking enough water. The eight glasses a day rule just does not apply to every one. There are many factors to consider. For instance, if you exercise, you might need more water, if you are on medication, if you are pregnant, or the change of season. Just a note on water, you can get water from fruits and vegetables too! Here’s a simple calculation that I learned on WW : If you are younger than 30 multiply your weight (in lbs) by 0.642, if you are 30-55 years multiply your weight (in lbs) by 0.56, and if you are older than 55 multiply your weight (in lbs) by 0.481. See? Easy peasy!
  4. Move, move, move. I move so much more than I use to. As the saying goes You can’t outrun the fork. Even though I get in 20-30 minutes of cardio (sometimes longer) I can eat more than my fair share of any calories I burned. Any extra movement or even standing, is going to help in that area. To improve your moving around set a timer that goes off at an interval you deem suitable to remind yourself to stand up and move around. I love to dance around my house, and my favorite room is the kitchen. We call it Kitchen Dancing. Find what movements you can do and get started!


YouTube Channels I subscribe to: Blogilates,, Erin Stern, Fabulous50s. Worth checking out. And remember, I pick and choose what I like, what I can do, and how much time I’m willing to put into it.

One reminder: be very careful when choosing a diet regime, or exercise program. When strength training learn good form, it is the foundation of every move. Moderation is the key! You don’t want to break your body down as your trying to build it up. Accidents can happen, so please be careful and stay safe!


Tune in to What’s the Story:

What’s the Story watch live or later on the Facebook Page, or YouTube search LeRue Press

Call us! 844-790-8255 or 844-WT-Story (844-987-8679) Text to 775-237-2266

Monday at 3 P.M. PST or 6 P.M. EST on KCKQ 1180 or at

April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler available on Amazon in print and ebook and Barnes and Noble in print format, and anywhere books are sold.







How To Cope with Change, or Love in the Time of COVID-19

How’s everybody doing these days? Hmmm…yeah, me too. It’s certainly been strange, and I’m not sure what’s worse, the emotional impact of a virus that scares us to death, or dealing with the panic at the grocery stores, social distancing, and avoiding touching anything and everything, including ourselves.

In our household, we’ve been preparing for a potential lock down, however that doesn’t mitigate the stress and fear and endless conversations we’ve had about going out for now: “Are you going to the gym today?” “Do you have any appointments today?” “What are you doing today?” “Where are you going today?” “Are you wiping down everything?” Personally, it’s exhausting. I wipe down the entire inside of my car every time I come home. Wash my hands then wipe down frequently used things like light switches, the refrigerator door handles, doorknobs, etc…I’m not a person who adapts easily to change. I’m trying to remain positive, but there’s not much to be positive about in the media these days. Granted these changes seem overwhelming, and confusing, this in turn leads to stress, depression, anxiety, a kind of a no way out mentality.

At the end of this crisis we all want to come out of it in a better place. And I believe we will see the other side of this if we all cooperate. The human spirit needs to be revitalized. So how do we cope with changes that are out of our control?

According to some research a lot of it has to do with how resilient we are. That means our thought patterns, and our view of the past. We can ask ourselves, What got us through the crisis (fill in the blank) in the past, and what will see us through the current changes? Are we being mindful? Are we taking time to breathe, deeply and become aware of our surroundings? (They should be fresh and clean given all the disinfecting we’ve been doing! But, I digress)

Keeping to a routine as much as possible helps us to keep our balance. Exercise and eating healthy are beneficial as well. I’ve been researching and downloading all kinds of apps from grocery shopping to YouTube videos that feature exercise routines you can do at home. Which looks like I will most likely be doing in the next two weeks. Take advantage of our digital world! There’s tons to distract us.

Now is a the time to prioritize. We can view this current change in our circumstances as an opportunity. Where do you want to spend your time right now? What have you been spending wasting your time doing?

Although social distancing is a term we are becoming all too familiar with, that doesn’t mean we give up our friends and family. Draw closer to those we hold dear. We can talk via text, or phone call, or some kind of video chat app. I’m learning how to Zoom. Not sure how that will go…but change is inevitable. Learning how to adapt is a part of life and truly if we are to survive with our kindness, our charity, our love, intact becoming adaptable is key.

So, if there is a nationwide lock down, I’m going to get up, get clean, get dressed, put my make up on and do my thing, only that thing has to be within the walls of my own home and my back yard. : )

9 Senior Women on Coronavirus

The Psychology of Dealing With Change

Children Need to Learn–How to Be Resilient


And remember to tune in to What’s the Story:

What’s the Story watch live or later on the Facebook Page, or YouTube search LeRue Press

Call us! 844-790-8255 or 844-WT-Story (844-987-8679) Text to 775-237-2266

Monday at 3 P.M. PST or 6 P.M. EST on KCKQ 1180 or at

April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler available on Amazon in print and ebook and Barnes and Noble in print format

What’s the Story Plus Book Hound YouTube Page and a Reno Gal Segment

I’m very happy to let everyone know that my Reno Gal Says blog will be transitioning into a radio segment each Monday from about 3:45 to 4:00 PM PST.  Reno Gal Says is incorporated into the What’s the Story radio program. I have some amazing co-hosts with great stories and life experience to share. Janice Hermsen, publisher for LeRue Press, Ed Noel of Omega Mortgage Group shares his inspirations and helpful tips and fellow author Doug Ashby, retired fireman, adds his words of wisdom.

Please join the conversation by calling 844-790-8255, or texting to 775-237-2266. What’s the Story is a live Facebook stream and from time to time I will share a Watch Party. So if you follow me on Facebook you’ll see it there too. If you don’t follow me yet, please click the follow button.

Facebook Page April Voytko Kempler



What’s the Story watch live or later on the Facebook Page, or YouTube search LeRue Press

Call us! 844-790-8255 or 844-WT-Story (844-987-8679) Text to 775-237-2266

Monday at 3 P.M. PST or 6 P.M. EST on KCKQ 1180 or at

April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler available on Amazon in print and ebook and Barnes and Noble in print format

Sam Malone’s Editorials, or April Kempler on What’s The Story Radio Show, or How to Be Interesting

I’ve been doing this awesome little radio show with my publisher Jan Hermsen of LeRue Press, Ed Noel with Omega Mortgage Group, and Doug Ashby, author of Heroes and Giants, for some time.

What do I think about it? I think it’s great fun and we really have a good time together. People often ask me what is the show about. Well…it’s a combination of book news and publishing news, what’s going on in the world, including our little town (our choice of topic!) and mainly our opinions on stuff. The bottom line is I hope it’s as interesting to you as it is to me!

To bring it home, I was watching an old episode of Cheers where Sam Malone gets offered a spot on a sports news television station to give his opinion on sports matters. Quite frankly, I pictured myself in Sam’s place. I laughed my fool head off because I could relate to Sam. He tried so hard to give an opinion piece not based on his opinion, but on what he thought his opinion should be.

After his first  time on the news show he turned to one of his co-news contributors and asked for any tips. She turned to him and said, “Be interesting.”

A tough task, honestly.

So how can you be more interesting? Be yourself! Everyone has a story, a history, life experiences (for the most part). Tap into that. Pick several anecdotal stories and keep those on hand just in case you are called upon to keep the conversation going.

Be interested in others. Ask questions. Find out how you can relate, find the common ground. Less focus on self and more on others is always appropriate.

Keep your curiosity alive. Learn new things. Learn old things. There’s so much to learn and share, you just gotta dig for it.

Your own opinion does matter! Not to dominate the conversation with it, but to share what you think and your personal observations can be enlightening to others.

And please check out our YouTube station LeRue Press.


7 Ways to Be More Interesting

For more tips on how to be interesting check out this link from Business Insider.

Listen every Monday America Matters Media Radio KCKQ 1180 AM or call in 844-790-8255


April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I: Memoir of Holocaust Survivor Joseph Kempler

Available on Amazon in print or ebook and Barnes and Noble online in print form


Granny’s House for History Buffs

Those of you who know me, or follow this blog know that from time to time I write about something related to Reno Nevada history. Today I want to talk about Granny’s House, no, it’s not your granny’s house, or Little Red’s granny deep in the woods. I’m referring to Granny’s House Recording Studio right here in little ole Reno Nevada.

Located between Plumas and Mount Rose Street this little amazing house was quite the recording studio of its time during the mid-eighties through the nineties. Bands like White Snake, White Water, Toad the Wet Sprocket, and others recorded here. There’s even a curiosity story about Milli Vanilli recording their comeback album at Granny’s after a career ending discovery about their lip-syncing hoax was exposed.

Granny’s House was later replace by Sierra Sonic Recording Mansion and continued the recording sessions.  For history buffs only, or anyone who loves music, follows recording artists, or is just curious, you can check out the Facebook page Granny’s House. Link provided below.

Now, Granny’s House is the forever home of the Reno Collective. The collective offers office space for free lancers, entrepreneurs and also a creative environment in which members can collaborate on projects.

So, while Reno may seem like an unimpressive country town to some people, we are a city with a diverse and fascinating history. Worth checking out I think.

Formerly Granny’s House now the home of The Reno Collective

Related links:



Books That Help Us Remember September 11, 2001


Many of us will not forget that gorgeous September morning when we shared the shock of the decade as the Twin Towers fell. It’s good to take into account though, that to some people–and by some people I mean perhaps children who were born in 2001–this might be a story for the history books. I can understand that notion because it would be akin to what the assassination of John F. Kennedy was to me. Not having been born when it happened, I have no relationship to it. But for many who were there, and witnessed the story unfolding, they struggled with the senseless act, and found it difficult to articulate their emotions. They were forever haunted by it. So, perhaps, the same is true with September 11, 2001. Maybe it’s an event in the history books without a human face.

But many personal accounts have been written about it to keep alive the memory of what a blow it was too all of us. I, too, join the ranks and have a personal story about that day. Just one week to the day my husband and I had been in the Trade Towers. We had been in New York for the U.S. Open, as my husband is an avid tennis fan. One morning, Tuesday, September 4, precisely,  we took a trip via subway to downtown Manhattan. One of our favorite discount department stores, Century 21, was nearby, and we wanted to walk around Wall Street as well. We got off at the Trade Tower stop, right underneath the building. It was cool looking, but dark, and quiet. I guess many people were already at their desks in the offices above us. There were a lot of little stores and there was a Borders Bookstore I wanted to stop in if we had the time. As I was washing up in the restroom I noticed a sign posted that listed a number of rules about conduct in the towers. At first, I thought it odd, but then I remembered the World Trade Center Bombing attack in 1993, the epicenter was the parking garage beneath the tower. Granted, this had taken place eight years prior, but it resonated with me. I found my husband browsing the mall area and told him I thought we should get out of the building. I reminded him of the bombing in 1993, and then said, “This place is a target, we need to leave.” Isn’t that crazy? I thought nothing more of it until after we came home and we were watching in horror as the news covered the story of  two Boeing 767 jets flying into the twin towers, collapsing them on September 11, 2001. For me, 9/11 will always be personal.

On Monday’s Book Hound radio program Jan and I discussed some of the books that came out after 9/11. So, if you are interested in reading more about 9/11, then this short list might be of some interest to you. Let me know what you think, or if there are any 9/11 books you think should be here.


Firehouse, by David Halberstam, published in 2003. Firehouse is the story of  Engine 40, Ladder 35, and the thirteen men who were on two rigs setting out from this firehouse, twelve of whom never returned. Along the way, we learn the culture of the firehouse and try to understand why these men would become firemen and pursue so dangerous a profession.

Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey, by Maira Kalman, published in 2005. This is a children’s picture book. The John J. Harvey was the best fireboat of its time, but by 1995 the city didn’t need fireboats any longer, so the John J. Harvey was retired. Then one  day in September a horrible event shook the world. The fireboat was needed to fight a roaring fire. This is a true story.

American Widow, by Alissa Torres, illustrated, published in 2008. A memoir written by a young widow who lost her husband that day in September. Alissa’s entire world was upside down. This book chronicles her journey through being a widow and carrying the baby of a father who would never set eyes on his child.


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer, published in 2006. Narrated by nine-year-old Oskar Schell, who is trying to discover clues about his father’s death on September 11.

The Zero: A Novel, by Jess Walter, published in 2007.  New York city cop Brian is suffering from a brain injury due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He is  now a tour guide for celebrities who want to visit “The Zero.” He ultimately gets a job with the Documentation Department and uncovers clues about who he works for and who he was before he tried to kill himself. This book is described as a dark comedy and I can see why! It’s a complicated story that sheds some light on a harrowing time in our history.

Falling Man, by Don DeLillo, published in 2008. This story brings to the surface emotions and memories of Sepetember 11, and shows how those events shape our perception of our world as it is now. It centers around a married couple and their son who are forever changed by the events surrounding 9/11.

And check out Flashlight Worthy for more recommendations.

Please join us Monday’s on The Book Hound. We sniff out new books and learn about new and bestselling authors. We air weekly on 101.3 FM Renegade Radio and 99.1 FM Talk Fox News Radio. Tunein radio: Search America Matters Media
Text: 775.237.2266
Call in: 844.790.8255


LRP Book Hound Radio Program Highlight Shows: Bobby Rydell, Kristen Lamb, and Matthew Bayan

For many of you who follow my author page on Facebook, this is not new information, but this year my life took a new, exciting direction in the public media eye when Janice Hermsen, of LeRue Press, asked me to co-host with her on the Book Hound radio show . Since the beginning of April when I joined, we’ve had fascinating guests on the air to discuss their books and their lives, some of whom are well-known and some of whom are slightly less known. The show has been a lot of fun, and Jan and I are hitting our stride, learning each other and how to make it interesting for the listeners (I hope!)

Over the last five months of co-hosting there have been many highlights. One of our recent and most exciting guests was Mr. Bobby Rydell. Yup, that’s right, of Grease Rydell High fame, of Bye Bye Birdie fame (he played Hugo Peabody and was super cute!) and of course he was known as a teen idol waaay before there was such a thing as Justin Bieber, and had many hits like Wild One and Volare.


Bobby Rydell has a new memoir out and he was sharing some of his journey and life experiences that make up the behind-the-curtain peek at his life. It’s called Bobby Rydell: Teen Idol Life on the Rocks. He was a gentleman to talk with, and he had some great stories to tell. One such was about how he would wait in the wings while George Burns did his comic routine. He said he learned a lot about comedy and timing from him. We have a podcast of the show if you would like to hear the interview. Go to America Matters Media, click on Podcasts, click on Book Hound. It goes by date and Bobby Rydell’s show aired on August 8, 2016.

Another highlight was this past Monday. We had Kristen Lamb on the air August 22, 2016. Kristen is the top resource for author branding in the digital age. She is the #1 Bestselling author of We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There Blog? It’s Me, Writer. Her latest book Rise of the Machines–Human Author’s in a Digital World is an outstanding resource for any writer, emerging or bestselling. The publishing world is changing, and in order for our books to be seen in the vast ocean of e-books, we need to adapt with it. How will we stand out? How do we connect with our readers? And how do we maintain a long-term fan base? Kristen’s book explains it all! I also recommend following Kristen Lamb’s Blog weekly for writing tips and social media advice.  You can pick up a copy of Rise of the Machines on Amazon, and I recommend you do so. Until I can figure out how to share the podcast on my blog, here is a YouTube Video just for fun:

Clearly, I’m a fan.

Mr. Matthew Bayan has joined us on the Book Hound numerous times and he is a hoot. Matt is the author of the #1 bestseller Eat Fat, Be Healthy–When a Low-fat Diet Can Kill You and an editor. Matt is president of High Sierra Writers, a writing group located in Reno, Nevada and meets every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Reno Barnes and Noble located at 5555 South Virginia Street, inside the store at the Cafe. He has many years writing experience. We always learn something new when Matt is on the show! You can check out his blog here. And of course I would be remiss if I didn’t share one of his videos, this one is on character graphing. Hmmm…don’t know what that is? Watch the video:

This is what happens when I don’t blog for awhile–blog overload! So, this is a biggie, please bookmark and come back to it when you have the time. I get it, we are all busy, but I couldn’t hold back my enthusiasm for our great guests. Please tune-in to the Book Hound on Mondays.

Here are the specifics for the Book Hound: we air every Monday, 4-5 PST on 101.3 Renegade Radio, and 99.1 Talk Fox News Radio. If you can please join us and spread the word where to find us:

Streaming on and KCKQ 1180 AM, a Lotus Station
Questions and comments:
Tunein radio: Search America Matters Media
Text: 775.237.2266
Call in: 844.790.8255

If you’ve  missed the live show, you can pick up a podcast at Go to podcasts and find Book Hound Show. If you are an author with a published book to share please let us know, maybe you will be our next guest! Contact Janice at janiceh at lrpnv dot com, or me, April, on my Facebook page.



Guest Post: Storytelling, and Editing, is About Intent

Manuscript THE ALTERED I

Today I have the honor of sharing a guest post from Krystal Pyatt, one of the editors of Pypeline Editing. When people find out that I wrote and book and it was published the response I often hear is how they, too, would love to write something. That is terrific, I say in reply. But, often these starry eyed dreamers have little idea of what the writing process is all about and how crucial having a clear goal is to a finished, and polished work. Critical too, is the editing process. Few realize what effort goes into making that writing project sparkle and glow off the page. Here to give a glimpse into what objectives you, as the writer, should take into consideration when mapping our your story is Krystal.


Storytelling, and Editing, is About Intent


Writing is a magical thing. It is the activity where you place on paper ideas, stories and lessons. It is the ultimate way to share knowledge with others and even generations. To read it is to be entranced, immersed, captivated. If you do not believe in the magic of books, then you may not have found the right ones yet.

That being said, I can think of a few books that have failed to become anything magical. Perhaps it was the writer, the concept or even the editing—or maybe it was a combination of all of the above. Anyone reading this blog may have a few stories in mind as well that did not meet expectations.

The good news, intent can impact everything. Tweet That!

Writing is the process to dump all of your ideas and place the contents in your head to that of your story. However, having intent, having a purpose, can greatly impact the success of any book.

Free writing is important; some of the most creative ideas can come from free writing. However, having a clear intent, a clear message, a clear purpose when writing, can make sure the story moves in a particular direction. This can make it so the story is cohesive to the point of excellence. The reader will lack nothing in terms of the story and, in fact, the reader will be treated like an ally rather than an opponent. They will be in on the secrets of your world, they will be privy to foreshadowing even the characters do not know and the readers will then stay along for the ride, even if it is a torturous one for the beloved characters.

Intent extends to editing as well. In fact, this is when intent shines. It is valuable for each and every author to then ask themselves important questions while editing.

  • From the writing stage, what is the overall purpose of the story?
  • Does the chapter apply to that larger goal?
  • Does the character apply to that larger goal?
  • Does the event apply to that larger goal?
  • Is there anything missing the reader would not know?
  • Are you going in chronological order or is the timeline intentional at least?
  • Does the ending serve its purpose?
  • Is there too much going on?
  • Is everything clear and concise?
  • Are the words strong enough to convey the necessary emotions?

At the end of the day, the story should be a pleasure to read, not painful. The way to accomplish this it ensure, through the editing process, that every word, every punctuation mark and every page contribute to that purpose. Editing helps you cut out the excess content, albeit painful at times.

So, decide your intent and set sail. Create the masterpiece readers will find magical.


Author: Krystal Pyatt from Pypeline Editing

Pypeline Editing is a local editing firm in Reno, Nevada. Two editors work on every book. That’s two sets of eyes to ensure grammar problems and typos are completely eradicated. With copyediting, Pypeline Editing also offers professional insights in order to make each book ready for publishing using developmental suggestions.


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April Voytko Kempler is the author of The Altered I, a  memoir about Joseph Kempler’s Holocaust experiences. Joseph was sent to six different concentration camps throughout Poland and Austria between the ages of 14-17. His story can be found on Amazon and Google Play books. 

Altered I Sample-April Kempler